Simple Downloader Terms of Service

Notice: This is a legally binding contract. Please read these Terms of Service carefully. This agreement defines your relationship with Simple Downloader and the use of services provided through this website. Simple Downloader requires you to accept these Terms of Service. You may use the services provided through this website only if you accept all the terms and conditions contained in this agreement. Your use of the services provided through this website indicates your acceptance of these Terms of Service. If you do not accept these Terms of Service, please do not use this website or the services.
These Terms of Service include the Privacy Policy located at [link], which is incorporated into and made a part of these Terms of Service.

Acceptance of Terms of Service

These Terms of Service ("Agreement" or "Terms of Service") are a legally binding agreement between you (an individual or an entity, "you" or "User") and Simple Downloader ("Simple Downloader") regarding your use of Simple and other related websites owned and/or operated by Simple Downloader (collectively, the "Website"), products, and services (as defined below). The Website and services provided by Simple Downloader, including all content, information, graphics, documents, text, products, and all other elements and products offered through the Website and services (collectively, "Content"), are provided to you subject to the terms and conditions of this document. By accessing and using the Website and services, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service and all terms and conditions contained or referenced herein, as well as any additional terms and conditions set forth on the Website.
If you do not agree to all the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service, you should not use the Website or services. If you do not agree to any additional specific terms applicable to particular Content or specific transactions completed through the Website or services, then you should not use the part of the Website or services containing such Content or through which such transactions are completed. Additionally, when using any current or future services or accessing the Website or obtaining any products or services provided by Simple Downloader (whether free or paid), you will be subject to the guidelines and conditions applicable to such products or services.
Simple Downloader may modify these Terms of Service at any time by providing notice by any of the following means: posting on the homepage of the Website, or upon you logging into your User Account (as defined below), or by email to the address you provided when setting up your User Account. Failure to provide or maintain accurate or current contact information in your User Account will not relieve you of your responsibility to comply with these Terms of Service as revised.
Please review these Terms of Service regularly to ensure you are aware of all terms governing your use of the Website and services. Specific terms and conditions may apply to non-user-generated Content. Such specific terms may supplement these Terms of Service or, where inconsistent with these Terms of Service, such specific terms will supersede these Terms of Service only to the extent the Content or intent of such specific terms is inconsistent with these Terms of Service.
Simple Downloader reserves the right to make changes or updates to the Content or the format thereof at any time without notice. Simple Downloader also reserves the right to terminate or restrict your access to the Website and services or any portion thereof for any reason at its sole discretion.

Description of Services

You can use our services to download some videos and audios.

User Obligations

You agree to use the Website and services only for the purposes permitted by these Terms of Service and any applicable law, regulation, or generally accepted practices or guidelines in relevant jurisdictions. Simple Downloader is not responsible for any violation of applicable laws, rules, or regulations committed by you or a third party on your behalf. It is your responsibility to ensure that your use of the Simple Downloader applications, Website, and services does not contravene applicable laws, rules, or regulations. Specifically, you agree and warrant that in using the Website and services, your actions do not violate (1) the laws, rules, or regulations of the country, state, or locality where you reside, or (2) the laws, rules, or regulations of the country, state, or locality where Simple Downloader is located or operates. This includes complying with applicable export and import restrictions and other restrictions.


Please reconsider whether to subscribe to our services. After a successful subscription, your subscription will be automatically renewed on the day of each month of the subscription date. You can cancel the renewal at any time. Please note that we will not issue full or prorated refunds.

Your Use of the Website and Services

You agree not to access (or attempt to access) the services by any means other than through the means provided by Simple Downloader or its authorized partners. You agree not to access (or attempt to access) the services through automated means and that you will not engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the services (or the servers and networks connected to the services).
Additionally, you agree:
- Not to interfere with or disrupt any other user's use and enjoyment of the Website and services or affiliated or linked websites.
- Not to upload, post, or otherwise transmit any viruses or other harmful, disruptive, or destructive files through the Website and services.
- Not to use or attempt to use another user's User Account, password, or system.
- Not to access or attempt to access any Content or User Content (as defined below) that you are not authorized to access under the terms.
- Not to interfere with or disrupt the security of, or otherwise cause harm to, the Website, services, Content, User Content, system resources, accounts, passwords, servers, or networks connected to or accessible through the Website and services or any affiliated or linked websites.

User Accounts

You may register for a personalized account with Simple Downloader ("User Account") to access the full functionality of the Website and services. When creating a User Account, you agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information about yourself and to update this information as necessary. Simple Downloader reserves the right to suspend or terminate any User Account suspected of violating these Terms of Service and/or containing untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete information.
When you create a User Account, you will choose a personal, non-transferable password. User Accounts may not be "shared" or used by more than one individual. Once you accept these Terms of Service and Simple Downloader accepts your User Account registration, your User Account will be established. You are entirely responsible for all activities that occur under your User Account, whether authorized or not.
Please note, if you choose to log in to our Website and/or use our services using a Facebook account, Simple Downloader may access all data associated with your Facebook account, including but not limited to your friends list, photos posted by you or posted on your Facebook, businesses and stories you have “liked,” places you have visited, and more.
The information you provide is used to allow you to set up a User Account and profile that can interact with other users through the services, improve the content of the services, customize the advertising and content you see, and communicate with you about special offers and new features. You have the complete choice of whether to engage in these activities and/or purchase any products from Simple Downloader.
Please read our Privacy Policy (located at, which describes how Simple Downloader collects, uses, discloses, manages, and stores your personally identifiable information ("Personal Information"). You agree and understand that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any User Account credentials associated with any account you use to access the Website and services. Additionally, you are not allowed to use the User Account of another person at any time without the account holder's permission. Simple Downloader is not liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with these obligations. However, you may be liable for losses incurred by Simple Downloader or others due to unauthorized use of your User Account. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your User Account, please notify Simple Downloader immediately at [email protected].

User Content

User Account holders may upload, store, or transmit files, videos, images, data, information, and other materials ("User Content") through the Website, Simple Downloader blog, and services. Simple Downloader does not own any User Content and will not monitor, edit, or disclose any information regarding you or your User Account without your prior permission, except in accordance with these Terms of Service or Privacy Policy. Simple Downloader does not routinely review, inspect, edit, or monitor any User Content posted, stored, or accessed by users through the Website or services. However, Simple Downloader reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to refuse, remove, or disable access to any User Content that may be illegal or may violate these Terms of Service, though it has no obligation to do so. Simple Downloader’s oversight or lack thereof of any Content or conduct does not waive its right to manage or enforce these Terms of Service for subsequent or similar content, conduct, or potential violations.
Simple Downloader does not control, endorse, or guarantee the accuracy or quality of any User Content. You assume all risk and responsibility for accessing, using, and/or relying on any User Content. You must undertake the necessary, appropriate, cautious, prudent, or judicious investigations, inquiries, research, and due diligence regarding any User Content. Before using any User Content in any way, you are responsible for investigating its licensing status and ensuring that your use of any such User Content complies with all applicable laws and regulations.